
Our commitments

The VoltAIRe programme reflects the brand’s commitment to developing products and carrying out its activities in a way which respects men, women, animals and the environment. Whether its teams, partners, customers or community, the principle of Made in Respect guides Zadig’s action in all business lines.
Joining the United Nations Global Compact In order to formalise its commitment, in 2021, Zadig&Voltaire joined the United Nations Global Compact, making a commitment to support and promote, through its activities, the UN’s 10 principles regarding human rights, international labour standards, the environment and anti-bribery.
Zadig&Voltaire’s Code of Ethics In 2021, Zadig&Voltaire drew up a Code of Ethics which was distributed to the brand’s teams. It is also given to and signed by each new employee joining the company. The latter defines the rules of conduct and principles that should guide the behaviour of all Zadig&Voltaire employees, its partners and the various stakeholders, when it comes to ethics and social, societal and environmental responsibility.
It is based around 4 main principles: • Hiring employees and developing talents
• Being worthy of our customers’ trust
• Treating our partners with integrity and mobilising them alongside us
• Making a commitment and taking action to preserve the environment
Access the Zadig&Voltaire Code of Ethics (download the PDF)
Ethics Committee The Ethics Committee has 5 members and 3 missions:
• Following/applying the Code of Ethics
• Responding to requests / Processing any alerts
• Developing policies and tools
Supplier Code of Conduct A Supplier Code of Conduct is integrated into Zadig&Voltaire’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase. All of the brand’s suppliers sign these conditions and therefore undertake to respect, and ensure respect for, said conditions. The Code of Conduct defines in detail what the company expects from its partners in terms of ethics and in particular respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and protecting the environment.
Zadig&Voltaire hotline A dedicated hotline has been set up allowing any behaviour or situation that is contrary to the Code of Ethics or in breach of the law to be reported in good faith and confidentially