Privacy policy

Last updated:  April 2021


The company, ZV France SAS ("Zadig & Voltaire"), sells clothing and accessories for women, men, and children on its website ( (the "Site") and in its network of shops (the "Shops").

As part of its activities, Zadig & Voltaire collects and processes some of your personal data when you use the Site or when you provide them in the Shops.

Mindful of your concerns on the subject, Zadig & Voltaire wanted to implement this confidentiality policy regarding privacy protection (the "Confidentiality Policy" or "Policy"), which supplements the Site's General Terms of Sale.

This Confidentiality Policy will enable you to find out more about the type and use of your personal data collected on the Site and in the Shops, the use of browsing information processed during the use of the Site, and details your various rights and how to exercise them.

As part of this Confidentiality Policy, the expressions "Personal Data" and "Data" are interchangeable.

Zadig & Voltaire reserves the right to modify the content of this Policy as the need arises. If a change is made to the Confidentiality Policy, Zadig & Voltaire agrees to publish the new version on its Site. Zadig & Voltaire will also inform you of these changes via email within a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the effective date of the changes.

Your personal data

Who collects your Personal Data?

The data controller for your Personal Data is ZV France – located at 11 Avenue d’Iéna – 75116 PARIS listed with the R.C.S of Paris under No. 413 484 981, represented by its CEO Arnaud Gillier.

What Data concerning you is used by Zadig & Voltaire?

The Personal Data collected essential for fulfilling your requests are identified with an asterisk on the collection form or specified orally when collected in the Shop. If you do not fill out these mandatory fields, Zadig & Voltaire will not be able to fulfil your requests.

Creation and management of your customer account

On the Site, you have the option of creating a customer account in order to place your orders. You will then be asked, via a collection form, for:

  • Title,
  • Last names,
  • First and middle names,
  • Email address,
  • Birthdate

The use of this Data by Zadig & Voltaire is subject to your approval when you create your account.

Purchases on the Site:

You may also place orders on the Site as a Guest, without needing to create a customer account. You will then be asked, via a collection form, for:

  • Title,
  • Last name, first name,
  • Shipping Address,
  • Billing Address,
  • Email address,
  • Information regarding the payment of your order.

The use of this Data by Zadig & Voltaire is necessary so that Zadig & Voltaire may offer you its products and services and send you your order.

Browsing on the Site and direct marketing:

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Data for direct marketing purposes. The Data used in this context are the following:

  • Your contact information, such as your email address, telephone number, mailing address,
  • Sex,
  • Your browsing history, such as, the items and offers you have clicked on (see Cookies section),
  • Your ordering history (if you have a customer account).
  • The Data regarding your Internet information (URL address, IP address), your browser type, the pages of the Site viewed during your visits, the ads you clicked on and any search terms you entered on the Site may also be collected by Zadig & Voltaire (see Cookies section).

The use of your Data for direct marketing purposes is subject to your express approval to receive direct marketing.

Participation in a promotional event

In the context of your participation in a promotional event (game, contest, drawing, etc.) organised by Zadig & Voltaire, you will be asked for your last name, first name, and email address via a collection form.

The use of this Data by Zadig & Voltaire is subject to your approval when you participate in a promotional event.

Customer support

Zadig & Voltaire will collect and use your Personal Data when you contact its customer service to make a complaint or exercise your rights (legal warranties, right of retraction, etc.) in particular including: 

  • Last name, first name,
  • Telephone number, email address,
  • Mailing address,
  • Information about your order,
  • And, generally speaking, your correspondence with Customer Service (emails and letters).

The use of your Data in this context is based on Zadig & Voltaire's legitimate interest.

Security of the Site and Shops and fraud detection

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Data in the context of the security of the Site and its Shops, and detecting fraud, including:

  • Last name, first name,
  • Telephone number, email address,
  • Information about your order,
  • Video surveillance in the shop,

Where applicable, in order to invalidate or confirm suspected cases of fraud, you may be asked for official documents (proof of address, utility bill, for example) in order to provide proof of the Data concerning you.

The use of your Data in this context is based on Zadig & Voltaire's legitimate interest.

Legal proceedings and legal requirements

Zadig & Voltaire may use your Data in the context of Legal Proceedings and its legal requirements, including:

  • Last name, first name,
  • Telephone number,
  • Email address,
  • Information about your order,

The processing of your Personal Data in this context is necessary for Zadig & Voltaire to fulfil its legal obligations.

What does Zadig & Voltaire use your Data for?

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Data for the following purposes:

Creation and management of your Customer Account:

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Personal Data to create and manage your customer account and offer you a personalised experience, including:

  • Enabling you to log in to your customer account and change the information if you want to
  • Providing you with your order history and information on your orders
  • Offering you Zadig & Voltaire product suggestions on the Site based on your order history

Purchases on the Site:

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Personal Data to manage and track your orders placed on the Site, including:

  • Sending you notifications on the shipping status of your order or in the event of a problem shipping your products
  • Shipping your order using the shipping method selected, to the address you have provided,
  • Enabling you to make changes to information that you want to make regarding your account,
  • Handling order returns, particularly in the context of exercising your right of retraction,
  • Handling your payments regarding your order
  •  Generally speaking, any claim regarding an order placed on the Site (legal warranties, repair requests, etc.).

Direct Marketing:

Zadig & Voltaire may, subject to your consent, use your Data to send you via email (newsletter), SMS or MMS, telephone, promotional banners on third party sites or social networks, Internet search engines, offers for products and services, and inform you of special offers and promotions available.

You will be asked on the page of this Site if you want your Data to be used for direct marketing campaigns, particularly if you want to receive our newsletter.

Zadig & Voltaire will seek your approval by asking you to tick one or more boxes dedicated to obtaining your consent, which will specify the different categories of information or different types of commercial actions that your Data may be used for.

Development and improvements:

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Data for:

  • Conducting analyses in order to make its services easier to use and to highlight the most commonly used features, assess and develop its Services, products, and system,
  • Generating statistics on the sector and market on an individual basis, but also in the form of aggregate, compiled, pseudonymized information.
  • Developing and improving the logistical flows of Zadig & Voltaire products by planning for purchasing, inventories, and shipments, and optimising shipments,
  • With the help of partners, measuring and targeting our advertisements based on your Data  and (see Cookies section),

Participation in a promotional event

If you participate in a promotional event (game, contest, drawing, etc.) organised by Zadig & Voltaire, your Personal Data collected via a participation form will be used to organise said event, including:

  • Recording your participation through a participation form
  • Contacting you via email or telephone in the event of a win,
  • Awarding you any prizes.

Customer support:

Zadig & Voltaire uses your Data in order to help you when you contact Customer Service by email or telephone, including:

  • Sending your questions and complaints to the right contact within customer support (particularly our after-sales service if it concerns a complaint regarding an order),
  • Conducting research in response to your concerns,
  • Providing follow-up and improving customer support responses.

Security of the Site and Shops and Fraud detection:


  • Enabling you to access and use payment services,
  • Detection, management, and prevention of fraud on the Site and involving payment methods, spam, abuse, and other activities harmful to Zadig & Voltaire,
  • Prevention and management of payment incident (including non-payment),
  • Complying with legal obligations, like the fight against money laundering,
  • Monitoring incidents as well as preventing and reporting any crimes occurring in the Shops.
  • Conducting controls regarding databases and other information sources.

Legal proceedings and legal requirements

Zadig & Voltaire may use your Data when it is obligated to do so by law, an injunction, or any other legal measure, or if such a use is required in order to:

  • Investigate proven or suspected unlawful activities, prevent such activities, or to take measures against them, or to assist law enforcement,
  • Comply with agreements made with you,
  • Investigate allegations and claims from third parties and defend ourselves,
  • Exercise or protect the interests of Zadig & Voltaire and its staff,

Zadig & Voltaire will strive to inform you if your Data is the subject of a legal and/or judicial communication request, unless the law or a court order prohibits this.

Who is your Personal Data shared with?

Entities of Groupe Zadig & Voltaire:

As part of its international activities, Zadig & Voltaire shares your Data with its subsidiaries and affiliated companies in the context of the purposes described above. The local subsidiary will act solely as a user of the Personal Data and will process your Data on behalf of the French company, ZV France.

Zadig & Voltaire Service Providers:

Zadig & Voltaire will also share your Data when it uses service providers, suppliers, or consultants in the part of the aforementioned purposes, particularly including:

  • Service providers enabling the monitoring and management of your orders (e.g., shipping, after-sales service),
  • Zadig & Voltaire's marketing partners in charge of direct marketing campaigns,
  • Banking partners when you use payment services on the Site, etc.

These service providers will have limited access to your Data in the context of performing tasks specific to them on behalf of Zadig & Voltaire and have a contractual obligation to protect and use your Data for the sole purposes for which they have been disclosed in accordance with this Policy.

To Zadig & Voltaire Financial Institutions and consultants:

When Zadig & Voltaire decides that the communication of your Data to financial institutions or organisations tasked with law enforcement is required or desirable for the purposes of preventing or detecting fraud, including:

  • To the Zadig & Voltaire's professional consultants subject to a confidentiality obligation (lawyers, accountants, auditors).
  • To legal or administrative authorities or local law enforcement when Zadig & Voltaire is authorised to do so for legitimate purposes or in cases when the law requires or authorises it.

How does Zadig & Voltaire transfer your Data as part of its international activities?

To facilitate its global activities, Zadig & Voltaire may transfer, retain, and process your Data through its service providers or its subsidiaries based either in EEA territory or in North America. The laws of these countries may differ from the legislation applicable in your Country of residence.

Where applicable, we will make sure that the appropriate protective measures are in place in order to ensure an adequate level of protection for your Data.

How long is your Data retained?

The Data are retained for a period not to exceed the period necessary to the purposes for which it was collected.

Does Zadig & Voltaire sell your Data?

Zadig & Voltaire will never sell your Data to non-affiliate, non-partner third parties.

How does Zadig & Voltaire secure your Data?

Zadig & Voltaire strives to implement all useful precautions to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Data and to protect it from being distorted, damaged, or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

Technical and organisational security measures compliant with the state of the art, particularly with regard to IT systems, have been instituted.

However, Zadig & Voltaire cannot control all risks related to the operation of the Internet and would like to draw your attention to the existence of potential risks inherent to its use and its operation. 

In this respect, you remain solely responsible for the access to your customer account and Zadig & Voltaire encourages you:

  •  Not to transmit information regarding your customer account (such as your password) to unauthorised third parties in any capacity whatsoever.
  • To inform Zadig & Voltaire as soon as possible of the slightest suspicion of hacking, or unauthorised use of your customer account.

In any case, Zadig & Voltaire cannot be held liable for identity theft or unauthorised use of your account or any resulting consequences.

Your rights

What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

Deleting your Data:

You may ask Zadig & Voltaire to delete all or part of your Personal Data.

Modifications or corrections to your Data:

You may modify, correct, or supplement some of your Personal Data through your customer account by logging in using your credentials (password and email address).

You may also ask Zadig & Voltaire to update, correct, or supplement them, particularly if they are inaccurate or incomplete, or if this Data cannot be updated by you.

Opposing the processing of your Data:

You may ask Zadig & Voltaire not to use your Data for certain specific purposes (including profiling) based on a legitimate interest.Zadig & Voltaire will stop using your Personal Data for these purposes, unless Zadig & Voltaire can demonstrate a legitimate, urgent reason for this processing or if this processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

With regard to the direct marketing messages that you received from Zadig & Voltaire, you may revoke the consent you have given so that you will no longer receive such messages.

This option is available to you at any time and will be restated in the messages you receive from Zadig & Voltaire (newsletters, SMS, etc.).

Limiting the processing of your Data:

You may ask Zadig & Voltaire to limit the processing of your Data in the following cases:

  • If you oppose the processing of your Data, Zadig & Voltaire will limit the processing of this Data during the verification of the legitimate interest.
  • If you declare that your Personal Data is inaccurate, Zadig & Voltaire must limit the processing of this data while awaiting the verification of the accuracy of your Personal Data.
  • If Zadig & Voltaire no longer needs your Personal Data but it is necessary to defend its rights in court.

In the context of limiting the processing of your Data, your Data will be retained by Zadig & Voltaire, but cannot be subject to new processing except in the following situations:

  • If you give your consent again,
  • To assert, exercise, or defend rights in court,
  • To protect the rights of another natural person or legal entity,
  • Or for important reasons of public interest of the European Union or of a Member State.

Accessing your Data:

To find out the Data concerning you in the possession of Zadig & Voltaire, you may ask Zadig & Voltaire for a copy of this Personal Data in a commonly used electronic format.

The right to submit a claim with the UK Data Protection Authority (The Information Commissioner’s Office):

You may submit a claim if you feel that the processing of your Data constitutes a violation of the regulation. If you want to have additional information about your rights, particularly regarding this latter right, go to the website of the UK Data Protection Authority (The Information Commissioner’s Office):

What is Data portability? 

The right to portability offers you the option of collecting your Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, and ask Zadig & Voltaire to send them to a third party (when this is technically possible).

Note that your right to portability only concerns the Personal Data that you have provided to Zadig & Voltaire.

How do you submit your questions and exercise your rights?

For any requests regarding the rights listed above, just send a letter to the Customer Service department of Zadig & Voltaire at the following address:

ZV France - Customer Service – 11 Avenue d’Iéna – 75116 Paris,

Or by writing to:

These access, deletion, correction, opposition, or limitation requests must be made by letter (or email) signed by the person making them and be accompanied by a photocopy or scan of an ID containing the signature of the person exercising their right and specifying the response address.

Zadig & Voltaire agrees to respond to all requests within a period of one (1) month following the receipt of the request.

What about Data regarding minors?

Zadig & Voltaire encourages all parents or guardians to promote cautious, responsible behaviour by minors when communicating their Personal Data on the Internet and in particular on the Site.

If you are the parent of a minor who has communicated Personal Data to Zadig & Voltaire on the Site or in the Shop and you have not authorised such communications and want this Data to be deleted, you may contact us according to the procedure indicated above.


This section explains Zadig & Voltaire’s cookies policy. It tells you more about:

·        The source and use of browsing information processed when you are browsing the Site and your rights,

·        The source and use of browsing information processed when you access the Site through Zadig & Voltaire advertising content.

Information about your browsing may be recorded by files known as "cookies", which are placed on your computer when you visit the Site or when Zadig & Voltaire advertising content is displayed on third-party sites, depending on the choices you have made. You can amend your cookie preferences below at any time.

What are "cookies" or "trackers"?

The term "cookie" should be understood in the broadest sense and covers all trackers that are placed and/or read, for example when visiting the Site, reading an e-mail, or installing or using a mobile application or software, regardless of the type of device used (e.g. computer, smartphone or tablet).

For convenience, the term "cookie" will be used in this Privacy Policy to cover all such technologies.

What cookies are generated on the Zadig & Voltaire website?

Below you will find information on the cookies that may be placed on your device by Zadig & Voltaire or by third parties, subject to your prior consent on the Site, as well as details of how you can manage these cookies on your device:

-         Technical cookies: Technical cookies are necessary to ensure that the Site functions optimally and are therefore permanently enabled. They include cookies that remember your visit to the Site within a session or, if you wish, from session to session. They are involved in managing the shopping cart and the purchasing process and help you with security issues and compliance. If you disable or uninstall these cookies, you will not be able to browse our site. This purpose is required by our Site to function normally and cannot be disabled.

-         Analysis and performance cookies:  Zadig & Voltaire uses these cookies to improve the usability of the Site by analysing visitor usage. In some cases, these cookies improve the speed of processing your requests by allowing Zadig & Voltaire to store your preferences for the Site. Disabling these cookies may slow down the site and limit the relevance of recommendations.

-         Advertising and social networking cookies:  Zadig & Voltaire and its partners use these cookies to retrieve information to target ads more closely to your interests on and off the Site. In some cases, these cookies involve the use of your personal data. If you disable these cookies, you may see less relevant ads.

Please note the following if you share the use of your computer with other people:

If your device is used by several people and if it has several browsers, we cannot be certain that the services and advertisements intended for your device correspond to your own use of it and not to that of another user. If applicable, sharing your device with other people and configuring your browser settings with respect to cookies is your free choice and responsibility.

How long are cookies kept?

The cookies placed on your device have a maximum life span of thirteen (13) months. At the end of the retention period, the personal data collected through cookies will be deleted.

How do you configure cookies? 

Whether cookies are stored on your device is your choice.

You can choose to accept or reject whether cookies are stored on your device simply and free of charge, at any time, using the Site's cookie management system or your browser software settings, or through inter-professional platforms.

Site cookie management:

You can decide whether cookies are stored on your device using the cookie management tool available by clicking below in the cookie banner or in the Site footer.

Cookies are managed based on their purpose.

Configuring your browser: 

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are either stored on your device or rejected, either systematically or depending on the site that generates them. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies on an ad hoc basis, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device.

All browsers have different settings for how they manage cookies and your choices. They are usually described in your browser’s help menu. This is the best place to find out how to change your cookie preferences.

Confirm your choices online through inter-professional platforms:

Zadig & Voltaire invites you to connect to the Youronlinechoices website, provided by digital advertising professionals working within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

You will be able to find out which companies are registered with the platform, and which offer you the possibility of rejecting or accepting the cookies used by these companies to adjust the advertisements that may be displayed on your computer based on your browsing information:

This European platform is shared by hundreds of internet advertising professionals and represents a centralised interface allowing you to confirm, quickly and simply, whether you reject or accept cookies likely to be used by these professionals to adjust the advertisements that may be displayed on your computer based on your browsing information. Note that this procedure will not prevent advertisements from being displayed on the websites you visit. It will only block technologies that tailor ads to your interests.

What are the consequences if you refuse to accept cookies?

By configuring your cookies in the settings tool or in your browser, you may change your browsing experience on the Site, and you may not be able to take advantage of certain features. If you refuse to accept performance and personalisation cookies, for example, your browsing on the Site will no longer be adjusted based on your preferences, particularly with regard to the products you have viewed. We are not responsible for any difficulties you may experience in browsing the Site as a result of your decision to delete cookies.
