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Faq  /  Delivery  /  What should I do if there is a missing item on delivery of my order?

What should I do if there is a missing item on delivery of my order?

If an item is missing from your order, please first to log in to your customer account to view the tracking information for your order. It is possible that your order will be delivered in several parcels and the other parcel(s) is/are still being prepared or shipped.

If you do not have a customer account and have placed an order as a guest, go to the [Track my order] portal in the footer of our website and access the tracking information by entering the associated email address and your order number.

Finally, if the missing item is not being prepared/shipped, or has been cancelled and is therefore in the process of being refunded, please contact our Customer Service department via our form so that our advisers can assist you.

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